Sunday, September 28, 2014


We were tired of cleaning slugs out of the sandbox so we decided to build a cover for it. The boys wanted to help. ;)

School photos - Cooper 2014 (Reception)

Posting this is making me have one of those "how has he gotten so old, so fast" moments!

Star Wars on sunday afternoon

Cooper keeps asking, "Is that a good guy or a bad guy?" And a hundred other questions! I think all the questions exhausted Reagan...

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The walk to school

One of my favorite things to do is take the boys to school. (The process takes about 1.5 hours, so I don't always have time to do it.)

These pictures are from the walk from the house to the bus stop.

The gold sweater makes its debut! While astonishingly ugly on every other kid, when it is your own it looks almost cute. ;)

I think Reagan was embarrassed to be seen with the gold sweater...

On the bus, checking out the truck behind us:

There are no more tears from either boy, but Cooper still wishes he could go back to nursery school.

Cooper asked for multiple hugs and kisses, Reagan almost looked at me when he waved goodbye...

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Reagan's first day of school

"Bye, bye, Mommy" - Seems happy to be back at school!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Cooper first day of "Big School"

Cooper did Not want to go to school. But, as I reminded him he doesn't really ever like trying new things. We came up with a few examples of things he now loves that he was scared to try at first - bacon, cinnamon rolls and McDs were the three we repeated on the way to school.

Getting dressed - "Mommy, can I please wear normal clothes?"

On the bus on the way to school (not happy):

Outside the school (slightly happier - all the kids were wearing these funny clothes!)

His "hook":

When we met his teacher she asked if he was excited to be there. He stated, "Yes" and then said "It took me a really, really, really long time to like sauce." ;)

Happily playing as we left: