Monday, July 30, 2012


Getting an early jump on our Xmas cards

Just a practice run. :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Men's Road Cycling - Fulham Road

On Saturday, we took the boys out for a 5-min stroll to see a couple hundred bikes whizz by us at 40mph. (It is actually kind of fun living in the middle of the Olympics.) They were less enthused than we were about the outing. ;)

Lazy Sunday afternoon in London

And then mommy got a workout...

Bathtime just got even more fun!

Friday, July 27, 2012

While the cat is away..

The mouse will play (with his toys).

This dump truck kept Reagan amused for 30 minutes.

YouTube Video

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Olympic Torch Relay

Cooper, Chris and I went around the corner to see the Olympic Torch run down Kings Road (Unfortunately it was right in the middle of Reagan's nap time.)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

He is going to fit in well in this family

He loves the harassment! The more the merrier. :)

YouTube Video

I will get my toys!

Even if it means getting a few bumps...

YouTube Video

Sunday, July 15, 2012

While you all were away

I got a tooth, started drooling (even more!) and learned how to sit up!

YouTube Video

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Reagan update

We were sent home and told to come back tomorrow. His O2 saturation varied between 94-99 depending on if he was awake or asleep. (At 92 they admit you regardless of other indicators.) Doctor felt he was handling the infection well and didn't think he needed to be admitted. (She said if I wanted to have him admitted than she would - I said absolutely not!!)

Platinum status?

If Chelsea A&E had a visitor loyalty program I think Reagan would have achieved status... He has another respiratory infection and the GP sent us here again. Initial assessment doesn't seem terrible (O2 sat between 94-96) so hopefully we will be able to go home tonight.

He is an old pro, he slept straight through the triage assessment! :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Nurture or Nature?

Why does Reagan like this???

YouTube Video