Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Who needs the sun?

The clouds have taken over in LA but that did not detour Cooper from getting soaking wet.

YouTube Video

Monday, April 18, 2011

First In-n-out Burger!

He now needs Whataburger and life will be complete!

YouTube Video

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fun in the sun, and early Easter

We had an early Easter since we had 5 grandkids, 3 kids and a grandmother all together. Cooper's uncles also worked very hard for a second day in a row to build a playset. He is going to love it! (Here are some pics from Taj's super nice camera.)


Mom, how many eggs do I have?

Impatient. . . you are supposed to wait until the end to open the eggs!

Bored with egg-hunt, on to playing in the water!

The whole group, on the almost-finished playset.

You want me to lift this all the way up there??

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bouncy castle fun!

We went to one of my friend's daughters 2nd birthday today.

YouTube Video

One man's sprinkler malfunction is another man's playground!

YouTube Video

Thursday, April 14, 2011

So far, so good!

Cooper fell asleep as we were boarding!

And again!

He is having so much fun in the Kids Zone in the lounge, I feel very bad we are about to do an 11-hour flight!

YouTube Video

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

3D Cooper - scan comparison

Cooper's scan before the helmet:
Cooper's scan after the helmet:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Our last appointment at Helmet doc!

Getting scanned one last time. Yeah!

Monday, April 4, 2011

This walking thing is fun! (a compilation video)

It is so hard to travel with this baby!

Just kidding!

Getting a ride from the car to check-in.

Wreaking havoc on the flight home.

How to have fun in a hotel room. . .

i'm lovin it

Cooper has his first bites of a McD's double cheeseburger. Just wait until he has In-n-Out!

Lunch time antics

By the baby. . .

And by mom. . .

Now this is how one should dress for swimming!

They provided children's robes at the hotel. So cute!

Going skiing

We headed to Val d'Isere (French alps) for a long weekend. Cooper was a total pain on the flight. ;)

We stopped by McDonald's on the way there (2.5 hour drive from Geneva airport). Cooper had his first Chicken McNuggets and enjoyed the Play Place!